Would You Do Small House Living in Any of These - Tiny Houses or Houseboats?

So far, for small house living, we have looked at pre-fab affordable homes be used as tiny houses, recreational vehicles, small apartments, park models and houseboats, however, still pending to see shipping containers. The process takes time, since many places must be visited in person or online in order to get a reality feel of the interiors and updated information for what we really need and want. Many have very similar interiors, however, it would be a good time to take the next step depending on what kind of circumstances drive you towards making the final decision. The narrow tiny houses and the RVs are very similar in interior layout designs. On the other hand, small apartments and Park Models are wider, offering similar layouts between them. What about doing small house living in houseboats? Have you entertained the thought of looking into houseboats and the pros and cons for them? All layouts depend on the square footage, the more space, the more conveniently comfortable. Yet, the range of pricing is also very similar. Online websites offer a lot of information regarding pricing and square footage in order to do a comparison for what you're considering. Therefore, take the time to look at every single option having the budget in mind. We are still pending to look more information regarding shipping containers. However, think that this would be the last of options for us as it involves finding a land or lot that holds the weight of a container. As for houseboats, what a temptation for this option. Go online and do some research and you will find another kind of tiny house inside, but with the advantage of enjoying a waterfront view, decks, and many places where you can relocate your houseboat to due to the numerous water bodies in the United States. Sounds like living in an eternal vacation. Is it dangerous when the weather is bad? And what about insurance cost for a houseboat? Given that the money is available and you get to do whatever you want, what would you really like to do? Just think about it. Someone once said "if you haven't done everything you wanted to do before the age of 50, then do it." I myself would like mainly two options for my small house living. A tiny log cabin or a houseboat, either with at least 300 - 400 square feet. Why the square footage? Well, we've been inside less and if you are in that small interior 24/7, then it would seem to claustrophobic for me and on the other hand, larger would then fall into a small apartment and not a tiny house.


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